icon Complaints
  • Dispensed by Regulated UK Pharmacists
  • 100% Discreet Packaging
  • Free Delivery on orders over £45*
  • Registered Pharmacy: 9012620


Our complaints procedure

All of our customers are valued and we will provide a top-quality service. We need to hear from you if something goes wrong. We will use this information to improve our standards and prevent it from happening again. You must send us a written complaint if you have a concern.

Please contact the following address if you have a complaint about a pharmacy-related incident:

Online pharmacy 4U

Unit 2 Mansfield Station Gateway, Nottingham NG19 9QH,
United Kingdom

Telephone: 01623 572757

Email: info@online-pharmacy4u.co.uk

We aim to address all written complaints within two days of receiving them. All substantive complaints will be addressed within five days.

If you are unhappy with the way we handled your complaint, you can contact the General Pharmaceutical Council by phone: 020 3365 3400 or online: www.pharmacyregulation.org/contact-us/.

Our Happy Customers

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Online Pharmacy 4U