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What is Diabetes? Should you be concerned?


Diabetes is a major health concern. The treatment plan for diabetes needs round-the-clock commitment. With proper care and treatment, one can lessen the risk of several major as well as life threatening complexities. In this blog, we highlight 7 ways for diabetic care and leading a healthy life. So, let’s have a look on them here at Online Pharmacy 4U.

diabetes infomation

1.Commit to manage the diabetes

After being diagnosed with diabetes, you will need to meet with a diabetic care team. The team comprises of dietician, education specialist, diabetes care andprimary care provider. They will let you know the basic knowledge on diabetes and provide necessary support. But at last it’s you who need to manage the issue smartly and healthily.

On knowing what you will have if there is diabetes, make sure to have healthy eating options and include physical activities in your daily regime. Try to keep an optimum weight. Regulate the glucose level in blood and strictly adhere to the instructions of the healthcare provider.

You can buy here for collecting blood sample and check the level of blood sugar. Even take the medications on time and reach out to diabetes treatment team for any sort of further assistance.



2.Quit smoking

If you are a smoker, then you need to quit it or avoid it. Smoking enhances the probability of type 2 diabetes along with associated complications like:

  • Premature death
  • Kidney disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Eye disease which can cause permanent blindness
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Excess blood sugar
  • Less blood circulation in feet and legs which can cause infections like non-healing ulcers and even amputations

Consult with the doctor regarding effective ways to quit smoking along consumption of other tobacco products.



3. Try to regulate the cholesterol and blood pressure level

Apart from diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure can also damage the blood vessels. Cholesterol along with diabetes is far more dangerous and worse. By teaming up these conditions can lead to several life-threatening conditions such as stroke and heart attack.
But you can control cholesterol and high blood pressure by regular exercise, avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol and consuming low-salt, fat-less and healthy diet. Sometimes, you may need to take prescription medication.



4. Go for eye and physical exams regularly

As diabetes increases the risk of eye problems like glaucoma, cataracts and retinal damage, you need to go to eye care specialist for check up. Also you need 2-4 diabetes checkups in a year along with physical and eye exam. At the time of physical, doctor will ask on your activity level and nutrition to determine if there is any diabetes-oriented complication or not.

They will also check for the signs of heart disease, nerve damage and kidney damage. Along with other medical checkups they will assess your feet to make sure everything is normal. In case if any issues are found they will provide the necessary treatment on time.



5. Stay updated with the vaccine

After having diabetes, you become susceptible to numerous illnesses. Routine vaccine is the only way to protect against them. Therefore, stay updates regarding:
Flu vaccine- Flu vaccine every year will assist you to withstand the flu season preventing the major complications.

Pneumonia vaccine- It only needs a single shot. But sometimes booster shot may need for the diabetic patients above 65.

Hepatitis B vaccine- It is useful for adult diabetic patients who are not vaccinated and the age is below 60. In case you are above 60 and still not receive the vaccine then consult with the doctor to know if it is necessary for you or not.

Vaccines- Take the tetanus shot once in every 10 years. Also take the insulin on time using items you can choose and buy them here




6.Take proper care of your dental health

Diabetes heightens the risk of gum infections. Therefore, it is mandatory to brush the teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste. You need to floss the go for dental checkups regularly. Visit the dentist immediately if there is any bleeding gum or red or swollen ones.



7.Pay heed to the feet

High level of sugar depletes the rate of blood flow causing nerve damage in the feet. If you leave any blisters of cut untreated for a long time it will result in serious infections. Diabetes has the ability to cause sensation loss, tingling or pain in the feet.
Do the following to prevent the problems in feet:

  • Wash the feet regularly using lukewarm water. Don’t soak the feet as it can cause dry skin.
  • Dry the feet mainly in between the toes.
  • Moisturize the ankles and feet using petroleum jelly or lotion. Never apply creams or oil within the toes as additional moisture causes infection.
  • Keep an eye on the feet for swelling, redness, sores, blisters and calluses.
  • Don’t stay barefoot whether outdoor or indoor.
  • See the doctor in case there is any foot problem like sores which is not healing even after couple of days.

So, whenever you find something wrong with your health rush to the doctor immediately. Diabetes can invade your health in dormant manner. Thus, it is extremely important to keep an eye on your health regularly.


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1 Comment

  • Interesting quick read to be honest I read this blog whilst on my way to work and founds these tips useful thank you.

    Laura Donaldson

    Laura Donaldson

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